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Narrow Gate Cohort Experience

“Enter through the narrow gate.
For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.
But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."

Seeking The Narrow Gate

Living on the Narrow Road 

Cohort Experience

Whether you have already read the book or not, taking part in one of the five-week Narrow Gate small group cohorts led by Shane can help you to more deeply apply the lessons (and unlock the gate) in your own life. 

What you get...
  • A copy of Shane's Narrow Gate book mailed to you
  • Special Narrow Gate themed wristband mailed to you
  • Take part in a five-week online small group study of the lessons from the book. These cohort groups meet for 60-minutes per week, and you can sign-up for the 8am, 12pm, or 7pm group. Whatever group you sign-up for, you will meet at that consistent time each week.
  • Enjoy the added benefit of discussing the book with others in this small group cohort setting
  • Participants also gain the experience of individual one-on-one 30-minute coaching sessions with Shane (once each week for the five weeks of the cohort) focusing on applying the lessons from the book directly to their own life
  • A unique opportunity to intentionally seek, encounter, and live out the many intangible blessings that come from taking part in this Narrow Gate faith journey, such as a closer walk with the Lord and a deeper connection to your true purpose as a follower of Jesus Christ. These are some of the "unseen" aspects of living & growing in a life of faith and personal relationship with the Lord that followers of Jesus Christ can more deeply unlock when they dedicate themselves to actively pursuing the narrow gate/narrow road approach that leads to life, and that only a few find
Seeking The Narrow Gate (Book Cover).png
  • Small groups are limited to a max of 10 members per cohort

  • Total Cost: $250 per participant

Register for a 
Narrow Gate Cohort
June 5 - July 3, 2024
Select Your Cohort (Wednesdays June 5 - July 3, 2024)

Registration Fee is $250 (no refunds)


Thank you for registering!

Additional Cohort Group registrations will be added periodically 

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